

Paul Mathews started publishing novels in the summer of 2016 and, so far, he’s written thirteen of the funniest books you’ll ever read by someone called Paul Mathews.  Here’s a quick summary of his four different series with links to more info on individual titles:

Mostly Humorous Sci-Fi

This comedy science-fiction series  kicked off with Terry From Another Dimension – a tale of a likeable guy from another world who arrives on Earth, bumps his head, and completely forgets who he is and what he’s supposed to be doing here. Its 42 chapters contain dozens of subtle Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy references and will be loved by everyone except Vogons.

A hilarious sequel also materialised out of nowhere in October 2023 called Space Safari on Planet Dude which – spookily enough – also has 42 chapters. And there may be a third in the series if enough intelligent lifeforms part with their money (sorry, we don’t accept Altairian dollars).

Royally Funny series

This comedy trilogy stars recently-dumped London schoolteacher George Nearly, who wakes up one Sunday morning to find a princess sprawled on his rug. Comedy chaos inevitably results in the first instalment, An Accidental Royal Kidnap, which features a wide range of humorous British characters and wry observations on life, the universe and everything.

It’s written entirely from George’s own quirky point of view. Its rip-roaring sequel The Royal Wedding Saboteurs follows George and friends at a royal wedding in Essex which we promise will be one of the funniest things you’ve ever read. And Royal Wedding in Vegas follows on from that with more comical mayhem.

We Have Lost series

This is a five-book comedy-thriller series set in a British Republic in 2040s London, starring presidential spokesman and wannabe secret agent Howie Pond and his newshound girlfriend Britt Pointer. The Britain of the future isn’t as high-tech as you’d think, as there’s no internet or mobile phones. And there are no royals because they were banished to Florida after the 2029 revolution.

Each story deals with something different being lost, with Howie and Britt involved in parallel comic adventures and chapters alternating between their different viewpoints. Click the links below for more info:

We Have Lost The President (Book 1); We Have Lost The Pelicans (Book 2) ; We Have Lost The Coffee (Book 3); We Have Lost The Chihuahuas (Book 4); and We Have Lost The Plot (Book 5)

Clinton Trump Detective Genius series

This is a trilogy of comedy murder-mystery spoofs starring self-proclaimed detective genius Clinton Trump and a host of other English eccentrics who inhabit the deadly English village of Upper Goosing – European Murder Destination of the Year 2015. In true murder-mystery style, you’ll witness the action from a variety of viewpoints, although guessing the murderer is less important than just enjoying some good old-fashioned English farce.

The first title is a Very Funny Murder Mystery, its sequel is The Blood Moon Of Doom and the final book in the trilogy is the fabulously titled To Kill A Shocking Bard. Please read with a large pinch of salt at hand and plenty of tissues to wipe those tears of laughter from your eyes.